How to Care for Dental Bridges

December 05 2022 by Mills Haven Dental

How to Care for Dental Bridges - Mills Haven Dental

A dental bridge is a type of dental restoration that acts as a replacement for missing teeth. Bridges are incredible because they can restore the appearance of a smile, improve important functions (like chewing and speaking), and reduce the likelihood of future dental damage (like a collapsing facial structure).

We want to help you get the most out of your bridges, so we’ve compiled a few suggestions to increase their longevity. With proper care and maintenance, your dental bridge could last over 10 years!

Tailor Your Diet

Care for your dental bridges

One minor drawback of dental bridges is that you won’t be able to eat anything—but let’s be real, if you had missing teeth, your bridge is still likely an improvement to your chewing ability.

While you have your bridge, do your best to avoid chewing on these foods to avoid any cracking or damage:

Great Oral Hygiene

A major perk of dental bridges is that they are a lot like healthy, natural teeth. They have much of the same function, and they also require the same kind of oral hygiene maintenance.

If you have dental bridges, you’ll want to make sure that you are still brushing & flossing regularly. You should brush twice a day (in the morning and evening) and give a good floss every night before bed. Your dental routine is especially important in the evening because your dental bridges are hanging onto all the bacteria collected throughout the day.

PRO TIP: You might also want to pick up some mouthwash and a water flosser. Both products will help get into all the crevices of your bridges, reducing the severity of plaque or bacteria buildup.

Regular Dentist Visits

A crucial part of giving dental bridges a long life is regular visits to the dentist for a thorough cleaning.

Every 6-12 months, visit your dentist to get a proper scaling and cleaning treatment. This will keep your bridges in tip-top shape.

During these visits, your dentist will also check out your bridges for any potential issues. This includes wear and tear (like cracks) or lifting of your bridges. Although your bridges can’t “decay” like a regular tooth, they can carry bacteria that is harmful to the teeth and gums around them.

Address Issues Quickly

And finally, if your dental bridge starts to give you a hard time, whether it’s pain or pressure, get in touch with your dentist immediately. It’s important to nip any dental bridges in the bud quickly, for a few reasons:

  1. It will likely cost you less money if you catch the problem quickly.
  2. Issues can rapidly get out of hand and become increasingly painful. 
  3. Dental bridge discomfort could be a sign of a bigger issue at hand—the sooner we find out the better.

Give your dentist a call if you experience any irritation.

Contact the Mills Haven Dental team for any questions about dental bridges! We’re fully equipped to set you up with a new set or assist with your existing dental bridges.