3 Advantages of Porcelain Veneers

April 05 2020 by Mills Haven Dental

3 Advantages of Porcelain Veneers - Mills Haven Dental

Porcelain veneers have been around since the late 1920s and are used around the world to this day. These shell-shaped attachments are custom-made to fit the front of your teeth—meaning they are a comfortable fit made just for you.

If you are self-conscious about your smile, we recommend you consider these three advantages of porcelain veneers:

  1. They can conceal chips, cracks, and discolouration.
  2. They have the same functionality as real teeth.
  3. They require low maintenance to last a long time.

Let us tell you more!

#1 Conceal Chips, Cracks, Discolouration, and More

The biggest reason porcelain veneers are so popular is that they can drastically improve the appearance of your smile, as well as protect your teeth from future damage.
Dental porcelain resembles a real tooth's enamel incredibly well. You get the same pearly, gleaming smile that you would from a full set of healthy teeth. You can also choose just how pearly those whites are; our team offers several shades of dental porcelain.
If you have chips, cracks, or discolouration that make you hide your smile… well, veneers may be the perfect solution for you.

#2 As Good as the Real Thing

Choose your smile

A common concern from dental clients is, will my veneers break?
Rest assured: Veneers are up to any challenge that real teeth are, and we often recommend veneers to people who have damaged teeth. With veneers, you could restore your bite and prevent future grinding and breaking.
You may have heard about resin veneers while doing your research. Our team recommends porcelain veneers because they don't stain as easily as resin. Porcelain is comparable to your tooth's enamel when it comes to withstanding stains from food and age.
But, just like real teeth, porcelain veneers are susceptible to decay. Proper maintenance is required, and luckily for you, taking care of veneers is easy.

#3 Low Maintenance

Porcelain veneers are super easy to take care of. You're probably already doing everything you're supposed to: Brushing and flossing your teeth, with the occasional trip to your dentist.
However, your shiny new veneers are a good reason to kick any bad habits you might have: chewing fingernails, pencils, or ice. Although extremely unlikely, unusual and excessive pressure on your teeth could cause veneers to dislodge and fall off. Don't risk damaging your new smile.
With proper care, your veneers could last up to 15 years before it's time for a replacement.
Tip: Do you grind your teeth in your sleep? Let your dentist know right away, especially if you want veneers. Your dentist can help you find solutions, like a nightguard, so that you can protect both your teeth and veneers.

Considering Porcelain Veneers?

We have a BONUS advantage we didn't even include in the headline… Mills Haven Dental, your local Sherwood Park dentist, offers porcelain veneers!

Call us to book a consultation!

A final thought from us: Veneers are a BIG decision. They are not the right choice for everyone and there are disadvantages that must be considered. Make sure you talk to a dentist you trust (hint, hint) and do your own research. We recommend you read this article by the Canadian Dental Association next.